LTT1 - 06.09.2021 - 09.09.2021, Turnu Rosu, Romania

Motto: " Be great, do not discriminate!"

Strategy: Cooperative learning - Methods and strategies for successful teamwork

Partner teachers presented their countries, towns, schools, educational systems and social issues they face at school and in their communities.

The Romanian teachers hosted their partners and organized training on social inclusion strategies to use in the partner schools. There were presentations and discussions about the role of the teacher who uses effectively the 21st century skills in formal and non-formal education. There was a seminar about CLIL less

ons, peer-to-peer teaching and dual coding.

The second objective of the meeting was the discussion of the criteria for choosing the team of students in every partner country.

Teachers also discussed the use of TwinSpace as our official communication platform as well as eTwinning as a vital instrument of the project. The Slovakian coordinator shared their rich experience in using them.

There was a workshop and presentations about the effective use of the web tools and applications to be used in the project and in class.

Partners discussed the methodologies which will be engaged in the project activities such as: icebreakers, brainstorming, simulation games, group discussions, workshops and seminars.

By the end of the meeting all participants filled in questionnaires with feedback about th strong and weak points of the mobility.

We all agreed that it was a fruitful, useful and successful first meeting which helped us all get to know each other and work together as a team.

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