The main purpose of the dissemination plan is to increase the awareness and interest in the project goals, activities, opportunities and benefits by the target groups-students, teachers, parents, school staff and local authorities. In order to receive maximum effect, the project results will be disseminated at local, regional, national and European level.

At the beginning of the project a dissemination group (from each school) will be created, responsible for the dissemination plan. The group will execute regular monitoring and evaluation of the dissemination process and will have regular meetings via skype, will communicate by e-mail, Facebook and messenger.

We will disseminate the goals and results of the JOYFUL project, such as the new methodology approaches (CLIL), the 21st century skills, dual coding, peer-to-peer teaching. Teachers will be both beneficiaries and instructors in the project. As a result of the dissemination they will have information about the educational systems in the other countries, about innovative methods and strategies to work with students from vulnerable groups and migrants. Students will cultivate friendly climate and will develop social behavior skills of cooperation, teamwork and self-esteem.

The dissemination plan includes activities as follows:

-Updating the dissemination platform regularly with recent information on the project and its results

-Maintaining contact with the media (newspapers) at school, local and national level and informing them on the project's status and current results

-Conducting seminars and workshops at schools and neighbor schools on the topics of the project

-Setting up YouTube channel for uploading own videos

-Promotion of the project activities and outputs in social media, eTwinning, Twinspace and Facebook

-Publishing information on the Project web page: each product (travel guide, brochures, flyers, project corners, logo, mascot, questionnaires, stories, drawings, calendars, exhibitions) will be shared there; school websites: all news related to the project will be published on the websites of the schools;

-Publishing leaflets, brochures and creating information boards in the project corners of the schools;

-Putting the project's logo in all created materials. It is mandatory for the graphic design of the dissemination materials to include the identification elements; the Erasmus+ logo, the logo of the project and the specific mention of the project beneficiary and the support given by the European Union.

-In order a good level of dissemination to be achieved, the list of activities will include organization of events like conferences, seminars, dissemination workshops with students, teachers and parents. On community level: members of the community and local authorities will be engaged in activities and nearby schools will be invited to visit.

The wide range of activities and their dissemination will lead to a long-term impact during and after the project's life-cycle.

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